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the excitement of travelling

The feeling of planning a trip, the anticipation to the journey itself, is still one of the most exciting!

There are times when I wonder if it's normal to just spontaneously decide that it would be a good idea to spend a few free days away from work, away from everything. Then, when the idea has put itself in my head like a big carnivore plant, it eats me up from the inside until I finally, finally find a perfect place to go to. I would even go as far as to admit that I'm kind of obsessed by the idea of travelling.

Only very recently, I felt that way again. With the prospect of having two and a half day off after a very long week of work what would be better than a relaxing weekend far from the city life? At least to me, it seems to be a fulfilling way to spend the weekend.

Of course, I haven't booked anything yet because there's always the need of staying flexible as long as possible. That's the conflict, kind of...

Not wanting to make any fixed appointments and at the same time being very sure of what I want.

Maybe that's part of why the planning process of a trip can be so exciting. I mean, who is to know when the perfect moment of fixing things is there? Isn't it quite a thrill to find the moment, to hit it and not let it pass by? Well, to me, it certainly is.

But just to let you know: this time, I'm still waiting. Anxiously waiting. And enjoying every moment of it!

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